

As I write this I am sat on the train heading home from the Bathering which was held today. The main reason for me writing this is so that I can stay awake during the train ride so I don't miss my stop, even though I can still get home from the stop after mine which is the last on the route.

A total of 16 people turned up. This included Becky, Myles, Kai, Tom, Jacob, Chris, John, Madeline and Lauren who are originally from Arizona in the USA, Dave, Rory (again, don't know your link), 2 friend's of Jacob who I didn't speak to much, Lucero, myself and of course the host: Charlie.

Charlie's mum, brother and sister also made an appearance.

Now, to describe the day:

We went to Pizza Hut.

Hope you enjoyed reading about my exciting time at the Bathering!

Now, I'm going to play Super Tux since there's no internet on this train.


Expensive conversations...

...are so rich in amusement.

Rachael: SNOW!!! I have snow! Are you totally and completely jealous!? I'm such a 5 year old inside! Haha xx

Andy: Had snow for the past 2 weeks so ner! :p

Rachael: You totally fail andy! Your not my friend anymore. :-(

Andy: I was your friend?

Rachael: No. It was all one big lie. My mum raised me to never befriend people from Bristol.....

Andy: I'm not from Bristol! >_<

Rachael: Your such a bad liar. Even in text format....

Andy: ...

Rachael: True story.

Andy: I'll let you believe that.

Rachael: Good lad. You learn quickly young one...

Andy: I may be young but I am wise. The proof is in the beard.

Rachael: As you say... People from bristol are rarely wise...

Andy: Good thing I'm not from Bristol then.

Rachael: Lies

Andy: Truths!

Rachael: More lies

Andy: More truths!

Rachael: Glad to see you think my last text was truth. :-)

Andy: I meant my texts, not yours.

Rachael: I'm not getting into the whole of exchange of texts that say nothing but "lies" etc. But you should know... Women are always right... :-)

Andy: So you admit that you're not a woman?

Rachael: Keep going and you wont be a man much longer!

Andy: I didn't see you deny it...

Rachael: Acknowledge this text as a denial. I am ALL woman!

Andy: But you lost the argument.

Rachael: Did not.

Andy: Now you're just trying to get the last word.

Rachael: Am not.

Andy: And that proves my point!

Rachael: Does not.

Andy: See? You're intent on getting the last word.

Rachael: Am not. Especially since the last few texts have been more than one word... :-P

Andy: But the last word in those texts wolf have been the last word.

Rachael: What evs. The fact you keep replying means you want the last word Haha

Andy: Correct. I do.

Rachael: Tough.

Andy: Titties.

Rachael: Andy.... Be the man you're supposed to be and stfu. Haha.

Andy: Who was the little 5 year old that was excited about snow?

Rachael: Out of context! I said i was a five year old on the inside when it comes to snow.

Andy: Well I'm a 20 year old on the inside so you should respect your elders and be quiet!

Rachael: I'm a 20 year old on the inside too. But unlike some boring Bristol people, i know how to have fun, so ner!

Andy: Not being from Bristol, I wouldn't know.

Rachael: Lies

Andy: OK, you got me. I would know even though I'm not from Bristol.

Rachael: Told you so.

Andy: I still won the argument though.

Rachael: You wish.

Andy: No need to. It already happened.

Rachael: Shush. I've been up all night already cos i'm ill, and as much as i LOVE the banter, you're interrupting my music and solitaire B-)

Andy: How do you think I feel? Every time you text me my music pauses and I have to stop reading!

Rachael: Haha thats amazing. Maybe you shouldn't reply to this text then....

Andy: But I want the last word.

Rachael: Ok.

Andy: Good.

Rachael: Your welcome.

Andy: Still Alive just started playing. It's funny because the opening line is ''This was a triumph.''

Rachael: Theres also a line that says "that was a joke. Haha. Fat chance."

Andy: True, but that wasn't about triumph.

Rachael: Whoever said that the only vegetable to make you cry was an onion, has obviously never been twatted in the face with a turnip....

Andy: That, or they've never spoken to you.

Rachael: I am not a vegetable.

Andy: Prove it.

Rachael: Prove your not a farmer.

Andy: Well, I know how to spell ''you're'' for one.

Rachael: So do i. Except i'm texting other people too so i'm typing each one quickly. You're low on my list of replyings... I only reply so you can't have the last word Haha.

Andy: We'll have to see who runs out me credit first then.

Rachael: How much you got left like? And no lying. You tell me and I'll tell you. Truths.

Andy: £4.13 but I have another phone I can use.

Rachael: Ooh i just checked my balance. I have £4.31 Haha minus the 4p it costs to send this text an i have £4.27.

Andy: So I'll just go top up then.

Rachael: Haha just to get the last word?

Andy: Yep.

Rachael: Lmao. I'll probably be going to sleep soon anyway. Forcing myself to stay awake is not good for my chest infection. I'm exhausted. Lol

Andy: So you admit defeat?

Rachael: Not until i collapse in bed.

Andy: Are these texts keeping you awake?

Rachael: These and my loud music lol. The longer i stay awake then the more night i sleep away. I had my sleep on track on tuesday. It was my first night sleeping on the night and kylid woke me at 2am banging on my door wanting me to go to A&E with her lol

Andy: I think this conversation needs to be blogged.

Rachael: Haha why? All of it?

Andy: Because it's funny and yes, all of it.

Rachael: Haha good luck to ya. Rather you than me Haha. Tell your blog readers i said hi. All 2 of them.

Rachael: P.s. Are you going to blog about the turnip? It's a good turnip.

Andy: I have 6 public followers, actually. I also know of at least 3 other people that read my blog. Also, the turnip is not worthy.

Rachael: You mean you follow yourself 6 times and the other three are your sister, hair fetish freak and your dad? And the turnip is SO worthy!

Andy: My dad, my sister and her friend don't read my blog. You can go to my blog as see who's following it anyway.

Rachael: Can't. No internet. I'm really craving some KFC....Although i would never eat that. Shoop wop!

Andy: Pepperz grill is so much better than KFC. You should visit them if you ever come to Gloucester.

Rachael: I'm totally coming there. I need to steal your dad before Rory does...

Andy: Remember, I'm planning a gathering.

Rachael: Yes i remember. I also know i have to in to dublin in april so you need to hurry up with a date. Oh i forgot to mention that... So um... Yeah... Dublin. Consider it mentioned.

Andy: It's likely going to be Wednesday of the first week of the Easter holidays.

Rachael: What date is that? I don't speak bristolian. Whens the easter holidays?

Andy: 8th April 2009, 21st Century.

Rachael: 21st century? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!? Whoa. I need to stop time travelling with that fucking so called doctor. I think he's a plumber you know...

Rachael: Oh and the 8th should be cool. :-)

Andy: Good.

Rachael: Got anything planned for the gathering? Or will it just be a group of random people sitting around? Hows the blog coming along? Lol

Andy: Nothing planned yet. Thinking about taking everyone over to the park as it's not too far away from the gathering spot. The blog is going well.

Rachael: Lol is there swings at the park? I love the swings. Are you adding all these new texts to the blog too? Shoop wop.

Andy: I believe there are swings. These last few texts have been boring general conversation so I might cut them out of the blog.

Rachael: Haha wicked. And i'm sorry i'm not entertaining enough! Jeez! It's not my fault. I blame my chemical romance. I got my music on shuffle and out of 1500 songs it keeps playing mcr! And mcr is boring me today...

Andy: It's ok.

Rachael: And tbh, your not exactly vomiting riviting conversation yourself Lols

Andy: Oh well.

Rachael: Gay

Andy: Well, I'm running out of credit. We should stop texting.

Rachael: Ok.

Andy: Sleep well when you actually go to sleep.

Rachael: I'll try Haha ttyl.


2 things

1st thing: Why do people do things to deliberately irritate others?

Except for the 5 blog followers, I don't really know who reads my blog because there are people that just subscribe to the RSS feed or access it some other way, so this may not be relevant to you.

There are a few people that seem to think it's funny to make fun and deliberately irritate others. I'm all for a good joke but when the joke goes too far and is obviously upsetting or annoying someone, it should stop. Too many times has this happened. I'm not going to name names, just be aware that next time, don't be alarmed if I cut you off.

2nd thing: The "Elitist" group

It seems that some people have taken a comment I made on one of the videos about the UK elitist group wrong, so let me clear things up.

I don't think there is an elitist group of the YouTube community in the UK. The people that were at Dave's house for new years were Dave's friends. People he invited. There was no public gathering organised.

However, there are a few people in the UK community that seem to complain when "randoms" turn up to gatherings and never talk to people with fewer subscribers than themselves. A few of you may know who I'm talking about. I'm fairly certain that they're also only friends with a certain other person just because of their subscriber base, hoping to increase their own.

There's more to say but I'm not going to say it because it'll likely just cause unwanted drama.