
2 things

1st thing: Why do people do things to deliberately irritate others?

Except for the 5 blog followers, I don't really know who reads my blog because there are people that just subscribe to the RSS feed or access it some other way, so this may not be relevant to you.

There are a few people that seem to think it's funny to make fun and deliberately irritate others. I'm all for a good joke but when the joke goes too far and is obviously upsetting or annoying someone, it should stop. Too many times has this happened. I'm not going to name names, just be aware that next time, don't be alarmed if I cut you off.

2nd thing: The "Elitist" group

It seems that some people have taken a comment I made on one of the videos about the UK elitist group wrong, so let me clear things up.

I don't think there is an elitist group of the YouTube community in the UK. The people that were at Dave's house for new years were Dave's friends. People he invited. There was no public gathering organised.

However, there are a few people in the UK community that seem to complain when "randoms" turn up to gatherings and never talk to people with fewer subscribers than themselves. A few of you may know who I'm talking about. I'm fairly certain that they're also only friends with a certain other person just because of their subscriber base, hoping to increase their own.

There's more to say but I'm not going to say it because it'll likely just cause unwanted drama.


Citizen Erased said...

Wow, a little contoversy and drama to wash my breakfast down with :) I dont recall you making any reference to a UK elitist group in a video - I'll have to go back and see, I feel like I'm missing out on something.

Oh such ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Hey Andy,

Sorry its been a while but I will make effort to visit you live again, things have been hectic for me recently.

I hope I have not upset you because you un-followed me on twitter, not that I am having a go just wanted to make sure I had not offended you, I don't think I have.

As for the elitests, I am with Davey on that one we need to stop the crap and hate and remember why we come here [the internet] to make friends and interact, some people feel they are above that, there the ones who miss out.

I read your blog as I publicaly follow you I am proud to be a Borzoi follower. Have you seen my blog?